Pari's 'Only Series' of events is here at Tamalapaku this month and this time it would be 'Only - Baked'. As the name suggests, this event is all about baking and baking more!! I am personally very interested in baking and view it as a science. Who doesn't love the aroma of baked goods wafting through the kitchen? My sincere thanks to Pari for letting me guest host this event and picking up the theme of Baked Goods which is close to my heart!

I am sure this event will bring out some interesting and innovative baked goods for all our benefit. So you can bake anything sweet or savory - vegetables, fruits, cakes, casseroles, breads, buns, rolls, puffs, desserts, cup cakes, muffins, pizzas, and the list goes on. The list is limited only to your imagination!!  

So roll up your sleeves, don your aprons and don't hesitate to experiment and create new goodies. So here is an open invite to all the experienced bakers , novice bakers and the 'yet to try their hand at baking' chefs to whip up magic out of their ovens and send in your lovely entries.

So what's in it for you? This time around there is something interesting for you. Let me elaborate.

This month, Pari has announced a giveaway!! There will be one giveaway book,Baked Dishes from Tarla Dalal for the Indian participants only. International participants can also opt for the giveaway in case they can provide an address in India as the book gets shipped only in India. Read ahead for more eligibility rules ..

One can win the giveaway only if 
1.He/she follows Pari's blog publicly.
2.Is a fan of Pari's space.

Once you have sent your entries to me, leave your comments with links here and do mention how you are eligible for the giveaway. The winner will be chosen by Pari from among the comment/links.

However, you can send in your entries if the following rules are adhered to..

Rules of The Event

1. Any number of fresh entries can be sent but only 2 entries from the archive will be accepted. Archived entries to be re-posted, else will not be accepted.
2. Only Vegan / Vegetarian bakes accepted (eggs allowed). No alcohol please!! (I personally would appreciate eggless entries or at least suggestions on relevant egg substitutions).
3. Use of logo is mandatory as it helps spread the word.
4. The entry should be linked back to my event announcement page and Pari's 'Only'- Baked giveaway  page.
5. The winner of the book from Tarla Dalal will be chosen by Pari (based on the comments left at her space) using after the round up is completed.
6. Format of entry 
Blog Name
Blog URL
Recipe Name
Recipe URL
Picture re-sized to 300 pixel
Country of Residence - (Important - won't be published) If residing outside India and would want to qualify for the giveaway,  please include any Indian address where the book can be shipped.
7. I shall post the roundup within 7 days of completion unless there is an unforeseen emergency.
8. I cannot participate in the giveaway as I am guest hosting it.
9. Non - bloggers, can send in their entries to me and I will post your recipes as part of the roundup.
10.Send in your entries to : mail2tamalapaku[@]gmail[dot]com before the 1st of August with the subject as 'Only-Baked'

So what are you guys waiting for?  Fire up your ovens and dish out those lovely bakes and pass on the virtual treats to all of us!! 
Posted by Harini on Thursday, June 30, 2011
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  1. Unknown Says:
  2. Happy hosting dear, great theme, will surely try to participate :)

  3. Priya Suresh Says:
  4. Happy hosting Harini..

  5. Sangeetha M Says:
  6. Happy Hosting...i mailed my entry :)

  7. gr8 hosting
    can microwave baking is including?

  8. Harini Says:
  9. Thanks guys.
    @Santosh Bangar - As long as it can be baked in a conventional oven, it should be fine.

  10. Sobha Shyam Says:
  11. wonderful event dear, will surely send some entries..

    Ongoing Event at Good Food:

  12. lovely event will send an entry

  13. Lovely theme, would love to send my entry. Happy hosting!

  14. Happy hosting Harini!

  15. Aarthi Says:
  16. Hai Dear

    I have send my entries to you.Please add me in the giveaway.I am from India..

  17. Nice event. Will send my entries soon.

  18. Hi
    just sent u two entry for ur lovely event. pls confirm it once u recved it.

    happy hosting
    do check the event @ my space
    herbs n flowers

  19. Raksha Says:
  20. Just sent you my entry.

  21. Just sent u my entry.. Happy Hosting !

  22. HI
    sorry for delayed reply, I will add the link of this event to my posts and send it to you soon, will try to bake something new also
    Happy hosting.

  23. Deepthi KR Says:
  24. hello dear,
    you are hosting a wonderful event. shall I post this on Food Blog News?

    Food Blog News Daily
    Event-Healthy Snacks

  25. Hi, Sent in my entry...

  26. Unknown Says:
  27. Sending in 3 recipes for this event, Pari starting with the blueberry pie I blogged today cheers, priya

  28. Unknown Says:
  29. happy to follow you dear....

    sent an entry for this event.....

    chk out my space too:

  30. Pinky Says:
  31. Hi Harini , will surely post my muffins to ur baked only event it will be a 1st one for me

  32. Archana Says:
  33. Hi I have posted my entry.

  34. hi
    sending my 2 entries

  35. Prema Says:
  36. Hi Harini,

    Here are my entries to ur event...

    Thanks for conducting this event,
    Which made me to bake more goodies and also a chance to bring out my talent...I love this i hope i win in this event:)

  37. myinvestment Says:
  38. helpful

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